RV Repair: Accident Damage on Rear Cap Lower Wrap

RV Repair: Accident Damage on Rear Cap Lower Wrap

RV Repair: Accident Damage to Lower Wrap

Accidents do occur. It’s always tricky to back up an RV, and more often than not, you can wind up hitting a pole. That’s what happened here, and you can see significant damage done to the lower wrap and to the cap. Some fabrication skills are going to be needed for this job.

We’ll show you how it looks like as we repair it over the next few days.

When your RV is in need of painting, renovating, repairing, anything that will make it look great, don’t hesitate to call Kent Budish to discuss what you need. We’ll estimate the repair, repaint, or renovation work free of charge.

Bring your RV to our shop on Barraza Aviation Highway in Tucson, we have plenty of parking space to accommodate the biggest, baddest, hugest RVs on the planet. 

RV Repair: Damages Fixed on Rear Cap Lower Wrap

The rear cap and the right lower wrap of this beautiful 5th weehl had been mauled by a low pole. The shock had left the rear in serious need of repair: wood, fiber glass, metal… That was a serious shock. 

We rebuilt the lower wrap and the rear cap, and color-matched the paint job so this RV could hit the road quickly and in style.

Artistic Elegance can take any project of any size, and make your RV as beautiful as when it came out of the shop. Call us to discuss your project, and swing by with your beauty to see what we can do to make it look beautiful again!

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